SAIGON mariam al-ayash SAIGON mariam al-ayash


Naples, a city pulsating with vibrant history, now celebrates a new generation of female entrepreneurs.  Meet six inspiring leaders from Naples, each a Makaani Nominee, who are not just running businesses—they're transforming their community.

Dubai, a city known for its towering skyscrapers and luxurious lifestyle, is also home to a vibrant community of female leaders who are making waves in the creative industries, sustainability, and social innovation. These women are not just excelling in their fields; they are actively shaping the future of Dubai by integrating sustainability, diversity, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their work. Here are six inspiring women leaders from Dubai who are redefining success in the modern era.

 Rana El Kaliouby – Co-founder, Affectiva

Bringing empathy to AI, Rana Al Kaliouby's tech makes machines care.

Makaani Nominee for: Pioneering the integration of emotional intelligence into artificial intelligence at Affectiva, transforming how technology understands and interacts with human emotions. Rana Al Kaliouby is a pioneer in the field of artificial emotional intelligence (AI), co-founding Affectiva, a company that uses AI to recognize human emotions. Based in Dubai, Rana is at the forefront of integrating technology with human-centered design, emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in tech innovation. Her work is transforming the way we interact with technology, making it more empathetic and responsive to human needs.

Rana says: "Technology should enhance our humanity, not replace it. At Affectiva, we are committed to creating AI that is inclusive, diverse, and aligned with our emotional needs."


Farah Foustok – CEO, Lazard Gulf Ltd and Founder, Tamakkan


Weaving sustainability into the fabric of finance.

Makani Nominee for: Leading sustainable investment strategies and fostering corporate responsibility through Tamakkan, inspiring ethical business practices across the UAE. Farah Foustok is a leading figure in Dubai’s financial sector and a passionate advocate for sustainability and corporate responsibility. As the CEO of Lazard Gulf Ltd, she has been instrumental in driving sustainable investment strategies. Farah is also the founder of Tamakkan, a platform that supports CSR initiatives and social enterprises across the UAE. Her work focuses on promoting ethical business practices and encouraging companies to integrate sustainability into their core strategies.

Farah believes: "Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a business imperative. Through Tamakkan, we are helping companies realize that doing good is good for business."


Hala Badri – Director General, Dubai Culture & Arts Authority

Hala Badri paints a vibrant future for Dubai’s art and culture scene.

Makaani Nominee for: Championing Dubai’s creative economy and cultural diversity, ensuring the arts are a thriving and inclusive pillar of the community. Hala Badri is a cultural powerhouse in Dubai, serving as the Director General of the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority. She is a key figure in promoting Dubai’s creative economy, fostering an environment where art, culture, and creativity can thrive. Hala is deeply committed to sustainability and inclusivity in the arts, ensuring that Dubai’s cultural landscape is diverse and accessible to all.

Hala explains: "Culture and creativity are at the heart of sustainable development. We are working to make Dubai a global hub for the arts, where creativity is nurtured, and diverse voices are heard."


Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi – Founder of Barjeel Art Foundation

Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi paints a sustainable future through the vibrant strokes of Middle Eastern art.

Makani Nominee for: Championing Middle Eastern art and promoting cultural dialogue through the Barjeel Art Foundation, which he founded to manage his extensive collection of Arab art. Sultan’s efforts extend beyond preservation; he actively works to integrate art into broader societal conversations about heritage and identity, often focusing on sustainability and the role of art in public discourse.

“Art should not only mirror society but also inspire change in it. Through the Barjeel Art Foundation, we strive to foster a dialogue that transcends borders and generations, aiming to create a sustainable cultural ecosystem that respects and celebrates diversity.”

Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi’s role as a curator and patron of the arts has positioned him as a pivotal figure in not only preserving but also propagating the understanding and appreciation of Arab art on a global scale. Through exhibitions, lectures, and collaborations, he ensures that art serves as a bridge between cultures, fostering a deeper understanding of the Middle Eastern identity in a sustainable and inclusive manner. His work in promoting these dialogues makes him an ideal Makani Nominee, representing the harmonious blend of cultural sustainability and artistic expression.


Nez Gebreel – Former CEO, Dubai Design and Fashion Council

Nez Gebreel designs a sustainable, stylish future for Dubai.

Makani Nominee for: Elevating Dubai’s design and fashion landscape, fostering young talent, and integrating sustainability into the creative industries. Nez Gebreel has been a driving force behind Dubai’s emergence as a global design and fashion hub. As the former CEO of the Dubai Design and Fashion Council, she played a pivotal role in nurturing the city’s creative talent and promoting Dubai as a center for innovation in design. Nez is passionate about creating opportunities for young designers and ensuring that sustainability and diversity are integral to Dubai’s creative industries.

Nez explains: "Dubai’s creative scene is vibrant and diverse, and it’s essential that we continue to support and nurture this talent. Sustainability and innovation must be at the core of everything we do in the creative industries."

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SAIGON mariam al-ayash SAIGON mariam al-ayash


Saigon, known for its dynamic energy and rich cultural tapestry, is rapidly becoming a hub for innovation and social entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia. Here are six inspiring purpose-driven leaders from Saigon, who are leading the charge in transforming their city and beyond.

Saigon, known for its dynamic energy and rich cultural tapestry, is rapidly becoming a hub for innovation and social entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia. Amidst its bustling streets and thriving markets, a new generation of leaders is emerging—individuals who are not only building successful businesses but are also dedicated to creating positive social and environmental impact. Here are six inspiring purpose-driven leaders from Saigon, an equal mix of men and women, who are leading the charge in transforming their city and beyond.

 Nguyễn Lương Ngọc – Founder, Green Saigon

Turning Saigon green, one project at a time.

Makaani Nominee for: Leading Green Saigon to transform urban environments through sustainability projects, from greening initiatives to waste management, making Saigon a model eco-friendly city. Nguyễn Lương Ngọc is the visionary founder of Green Saigon, an environmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainability in urban areas. His organization works on projects ranging from urban greening to waste management, focusing on making Saigon a more livable and eco-friendly city. Nguyen’s initiatives have not only raised awareness but have also inspired community action towards environmental conservation.

Nguyen says: "We have many aspirations, starting with improving water quality by planting types of plants that not only help clean the water but also bring economic value. The more we work, the more we want to showcase the image of young Vietnamese people actively participating in environmental protection to the world in the most beautiful way," shared the leader of Saigon Xanh.” -quote taken from: 

Nguyen says for Makaani: “In the old days, people jumped into these canals and swam and fished a lot. Looking back now, those canals have turned into trash canals. I was very hesitant about what I had to do to change those canals until I saw a TikTok video. There was a young Indonesian person that had great ideas about protecting the environment and I got inspired.” 

Dương Gia Hiếu – Upcycling Designer

Fostering innovative design and creativity by transforming upcycled objects

Makaani Nominee for: Dương Gia Hiếu runs design studio Ném, that seamlessly blends a furniture store with a workshop space for DIY enthusiasts, where sustainability and creativity thrive. Upcycled objects take center stage in the innovative designs, showcasing the beauty of repurposed materials. Alongside Néms own upcycled design collection, it offers a cozy café and cocktail bar, fostering a vibrant community atmosphere. The space also serves as an event hub for art and design, encouraging collaboration and inspiration. Here, design meets innovation, and every corner invites you to explore new ways of living sustainably.

Dương believes: “When I was a photographer I used to capture environmentally conscious content but I found that it was not effective enough to spread awareness so I started to upcycle objects.[...] I find beauty in the things that other people throw away.” from Vietnam Parliament tv on Youtube  


Le Thi Thuy – Founder, Empower Women Vietnam

Building stronger communities by empowering women.

Makaani Nominee for: Empowering women through vocational training and entrepreneurship, fostering economic independence and transforming communities. Le Thi Thuy is a passionate advocate for women’s rights and economic empowerment. She founded Empower Women Vietnam, a social enterprise that provides vocational training and entrepreneurship opportunities for women, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Her work has helped countless women gain financial independence and confidence, transforming their lives and their communities.

Le Thi Thuy shares: "Empowering women means empowering entire communities. At Empower Women Vietnam, we’re giving women the tools they need to build better futures for themselves and their families." 

Nguyễn Dạ Quyên - Founder of Lại Đây Refill Station

Facilitating Sustainable Living and Minimizing Waste.

Makaani Nominee for: In the dynamic heart of Vietnam, Laiday Refill Station made history in 2018 as the nation’s inaugural refill store, spearheading a new era in sustainable consumption. Under the innovative leadership of Nguyễn Dạ Quyên, it became a symbol of eco-friendly living, prompting the establishment of 20 more refill stations and transforming the consumer landscape. With its guiding principle, "Lại Đây, Lại Đầy," meaning "Come here, get full again," Laiday Refill invites customers to embrace the principles of reuse and refill, reflecting the endless opportunities for a sustainable lifestyle. 

Nguyen explains: “I envision a future in Vietnam where millions of families embrace sustainable living, creating their own non-food products from natural ingredients and passing down reusable items through generations. In this future, there may no longer be a need for Laiday Refill stations, as the mission of inspiring and providing practical solutions for a less-plastic, more sustainable lifestyle would have been accomplished.” -


Dr. Vo Thi Hoang Yen - Founder of The Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) organization

Promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in Vietnam

Makaani Nominee for: Vo Thi Hoang Yen, diagnosed with polio at age three while growing up in a rural rice-farming village in Vietnam, faced significant barriers due to stigma and discrimination despite earning two bachelor's degrees. Her desire to change perceptions about people with disabilities led her to pursue a Master's in Community Development at the University of Kansas through the International Fellowships Program (IFP). After turning down a job offer in Washington, DC, Vo returned to Vietnam and founded the Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) center in 2005. Under her leadership, DRD has created over 200 jobs for people with disabilities, provided more than 30 self-employment grants, and awarded 400 scholarships.

Kim Anh says: “I used [IFP] knowledge to continue my academic journey … to keep researching and fighting for social justice issues with women and girls with disabilities in my home country.” - 

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Rio de Janeiro mariam al-ayash Rio de Janeiro mariam al-ayash

Top 6 Purpose-Driven Leaders from RIO DE JANEIRO

Rio de Janeiro is more than just a city of breathtaking views and lively festivals; it’s a place where purpose-driven leaders are making a lasting impact. Here are six inspiring leaders from Rio de Janeiro who are redefining success by weaving purpose into the very fabric of their ventures.

Rio de Janeiro, a city of stunning contrasts—where vibrant samba rhythms meet the serene beauty of its iconic beaches, and the bustling streets pulse with life against the backdrop of towering mountains. But Rio is more than just its postcard-perfect landscapes and carnival celebrations. Beneath the surface, this city is home to a new generation of leaders who are harnessing its dynamic energy to drive change. These purpose-driven entrepreneurs are blending the spirit of Rio with a commitment to social impact, creating businesses that not only thrive but also uplift their communities.

Here are six inspiring leaders from Rio de Janeiro who are redefining success by weaving purpose into the very fabric of their ventures.

Katia Barros – Co-founder, FARM Rio

Turning vibrant fashion into a force for good.

Makaani Nominee for: Revolutionizing Brazilian fashion with a commitment to environmental sustainability and community support. Katia Barros is a visionary in Brazil’s fashion scene. As the co-founder of FARM Rio, a brand known for its vibrant, joyful designs, she has made waves far beyond the runway. Under Katia’s leadership, FARM Rio has embraced sustainability as a core value, launching initiatives like reforestation projects and partnerships with indigenous communities. She’s a firm believer that fashion can be a force for good, not just in style, but in making a meaningful difference.


Edu Lyra – Founder, Gerando Falcões

Empowering dreams and breaking barriers in Brazil’s favelas.

Makaani Nominee for: Transforming lives in Brazil’s favelas through education and empowerment, breaking cycles of poverty with opportunity. Edu Lyra is a beacon of hope for many living in Brazil’s favelas. He founded Gerando Falcões, an organization that offers education, sports, and vocational training to help break the cycle of poverty. Edu’s mission is to create opportunities for young people to dream big and reach their potential, transforming not just their lives but the future of their communities.

Edu shares: "The only way to break the cycle of poverty is through education and opportunity. Gerando Falcões is about empowering young people to dream big and achieve their potential."


David Hertz – Founder, Gastromotiva

Cooking up change, serving new beginnings.

Makaani Nominee for: Utilizing gastronomy as a powerful tool for social inclusion, providing culinary training to marginalized communities. David Hertz is revolutionizing the culinary world with his social enterprise, Gastromotiva. He uses food as a tool for social change, training individuals from underserved communities in culinary skills that open doors to employment and better lives. David’s vision goes beyond the kitchen—he’s building a movement that uses gastronomy to address social issues and promote inclusivity.

David explains: "Food is a powerful tool for transformation. Through Gastromotiva, we’re not just teaching people how to cook; we’re giving them the skills to create a better future for themselves and their families."


Beatriz Luz – Founder, Exchange 4 Change Brasil

Designing a sustainable future through circular economy principles.

Makaani Nominee for: Advancing Brazil’s adoption of the circular economy to ensure sustainable development and waste reduction. Beatriz Luz is at the forefront of Brazil’s shift towards a circular economy. Through her organization, Exchange 4 Change Brasil, she works to implement sustainable practices that reduce waste and create a more resilient, resource-efficient economy. Beatriz is driven by a vision of a future where nothing is wasted, and everything has value—a future she’s actively helping to build.

Beatriz believes: "The circular economy is the future. We must move away from the throwaway culture and towards a system where resources are valued and reused."

Rio de Janeiro is more than just a city of breathtaking views and lively festivals; it’s a place where purpose-driven leaders are making a lasting impact. These entrepreneurs are channeling Rio’s unique energy into ventures that not only succeed in business but also uplift their communities. As they continue to lead with purpose, they inspire others to join them in creating a better, more equitable world


Gigi Barreto - Casavida Cenario

Makaani Nominee for: Revolutionizing sustainable living through innovative, eco-friendly design at Casavida Cenario.

As the Creative Director of Casavida Cenario, Gigi Barreto is shaping the future of sustainable design in Rio de Janeiro and beyond. Her work blends creativity with responsibility, focusing on circular economy principles that emphasize the repurposing of materials to reduce waste and promote resource efficiency. Through her visionary approach, Gigi is redefining how spaces are designed, ensuring that beauty and sustainability go hand in hand.

Under her leadership, Casavida Cenario has become a beacon for eco-conscious design, using materials in innovative ways to create aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible settings. Gigi's philosophy centers on the idea that great design can have a positive impact on both people and the planet, making sustainability accessible and engaging.

Gigi believes: "Design has the power to transform not just spaces, but also our relationship with the environment. Circular economy principles are the key to a future where waste is minimized and creativity thrives."

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